Over the past few weeks it has been very encouraging to see an ongoing focus on anti-social behaviour. With the recent announcements from the Home Office regarding neighbourhood policing guarantee, and the trial and introduction of Respect Orders, we are pleased that proactive steps are being taken to address prolific and deeply entrenched ASB in our communities.
Today’s speech from the Prime Minister, in his own words, “doubles down” on those pledges made in Labour’s manifesto, and their ‘Plan for Change‘. ASB is a scourge on a peaceful, respectful way of life, and all too often is brushed off as ‘low level’, or trivial. However, it devastates lives, and leaves a lasting impact on communities.
Victims repeatedly tell us they do not feel safe in their own homes, and they do not know who to turn to or even if they will be listened to. No one should EVER feel that way.
Management of ASB requires a multi-agency approach, with police, local authorities and housing providers working together with other experts to tackle the problem.
The pledge previously made and reinforced today as one of the government’s key milestones, of 13,000 Police Officers being channelled into neighbourhood policing, is a welcomed one. Victims deserve to know who they can talk to, they deserve continuity and an empathetic response and we hope that these new steps will reaffirm that confidence in our community safety teams.
ASB Help’s Chief Executive Officer, Harvinder Saimbhi was at Pinewood Studios this morning for the Prime Minister’s speech and says:
“Hearing the Prime Minister speak first-hand about the six key milestones this morning has given us further hope for the recognition of anti-social behaviour as a national priority. The neighbourhood policing guarantee, specifically the increase in neighbourhood officers, and named officers as a point of contact within communities will give great reassurance to victims. Victims who too often have to repeat reports to different officers and agencies and chase progress on their cases. Having dedicated, appropriately trained Police Officers who will be able to respond quickly, will support victims and community needs.
Over the years we have campaigned for specialist ASB officers and I am glad to see we are heading in the right direction. However, we must ensure these officers are not redeployed to other areas of policing as we have seen in the past.”
If you are being impacted by anti-social behaviour and don’t know where to turn, please get in touch