The ASB Pledge

Following a successful pilot, The ASB Help PLEDGE is now available for all organisations.

ASB Help is committed to giving victims of anti-social behaviour a voice. We identified that by working directly with authorities responsible for managing the Community Trigger, and their partner agencies, we could advise them on best practice and help them to shape their policies and procedures to ensure victims of anti-social behaviour can easily invoke their statutory right to a review of their case. And crucially, that once activated, the Community Trigger brings about purposeful action to bring an end to the anti-social behaviour.

We know that some organisations don’t embrace the Community Trigger. This may be because they feel the process will reflect badly on their organisation or they have not been shown the opportunities the process can bring to the victim and agencies in the area to work collaboratively and resolve serious cases of anti-social behaviour once and for all.

ASB Help established the ASB Help PLEDGE to challenge faulty ideas around the Community Trigger and help organisations to create robust and inclusive policies that will make it easier for victims to invoke the Community Trigger and enable all stakeholders in the community to play an active role in resolving entrenched anti-social behaviour.

Embracing the Community Trigger process is everyone’s opportunity to take back control of anti-social behaviour in their community and make it a better place to live.

In the last six months, ASB Help has been working with a Local Authority on a pilot of the ASB Help PLEDGE. Using ASB Help’s self-assessment tool, every component of their existing policy and standard practices were scrutinised and tested for being victim focused and conducive to resolving anti-social behaviour. Having an honest conversation about their current practice led to an appreciation that change was required. In just under 6 months, the Authority has fundamentally reshaped how they manage the Community Trigger. Changes have included internal staff training, creating a directory of contacts in partner agencies, identifying potential Community Trigger Chairs for review meetings and raising awareness in the community about the Community Trigger and how it can be invoked to ensure the most vulnerable victims know they have the right to request it. ASB Help has provided the Authority with template documents which deal with issues such as information sharing, how Community Trigger meetings should be managed, the suite of interventions available for managing cases of anti-social behaviour and guidance on how to ensure the victim is supported and represented throughout the process.

Following this successful pilot, we invite all Authorities with responsibility for the Community Trigger, as well as partner agencies managing anti-social behaviour, to sign up to the ASB Help PLEDGE.

Show your commitment to victims today and see more about what you are pledging to do and how it will help your organisation be ahead of the curve in community safety.

You can view the Pledge here, and the Pledge FAQ’s here