For many people, Halloween and Bonfire night is an enjoyable, harmless few days to partake in activities with family and friends. However, for many it can be a frightening time, especially vulnerable people including the elderly, and those with physical and mental disabilities.

Halloween and Bonfire Night also sees a spike in anti-social behaviour, with people believing they can get away with bad behaviour just because it is Halloween. The police are aware of this and increase patrols around this time, particularly focusing on areas where trouble is well known, and where many vulnerable people live. As well as patrols, other plans are put into place, such as local shops not selling flour and eggs on the night of Halloween.

Despite these extra measures, it does not stop victims of anti-social behaviour becoming even more stressed and scared than they already are. Noises, such as fireworks can push people to the limit as to what they can cope with.


Preparing for these events should help you to feel less frightened. Local police forces offer out ‘No Trick or Treaters’ posters which you can print out and stick on your door. In addition to this, we also have a list of tips on our website which can help if you are feeling frightened, including locking all your doors and windows, keeping your house well-lit and closing your curtains. These simple steps can help put you at ease. If you are struggling and need somebody to talk to for advice and reassurance, then The Samaritans are available 24/7 to ring or e-mail.

As difficult as it can be, it is important to remember that these events only happen once a year, so some tolerance is needed around fireworks and noise. However, if you are experiencing anti-social behaviour, do not suffer in silence and feel you must put up with it. Contact the police if you feel you are in danger or being targeted. Nobody should be made to feel unsafe in their own home, no matter what the occasion.

We hope that these events pass you without incident and you can have a safe and enjoyable time.