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Good Neighbour Agreements

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What is a good neighbour agreement?

To assist with the prevention of anti-social behaviour, neighbour disputes, promote good relations and assist with the development of stable, sustainable communities, the ‘good neighbour agreement’ was introduced.

Good neighbour agreements set standards, clarifying acceptable behaviour and highlighting the consequences of unacceptable behaviour. This is a voluntary agreement in addition to a tenancy agreement. The purpose of the agreement is to obtain a commitment from tenants that they, their family and visitors will contribute to a safe and welcoming neighbourhood by showing respect and tolerance to neighbours and by promoting good neighbourliness.

What are the common types of neighbour disputes?

Living in such close proximity to one another, it’s no surprise that disputes with neighbours can escalate quite quickly. The most common disputes relate to:

• Noise e.g. loud music and barking dogs.
• Parking.
• Property boundaries.
• Overgrowing trees and hedges.
• Children playing in the street.

It’s important to note neighbourhood disputes are often rooted in civil matters such as the above examples and cannot be resolved by agencies such as the police or local authority. However, the associated behaviour can be addressed if it is deemed unreasonable and to be causing anti-social behaviour.

Disagreements between neighbours can fester over time and do lasting damage to relationships in the long term. That’s why we would always encourage the individual to raise their concerns with one another and find amicable solutions as early as possible.

If they can’t resolve a dispute with a neighbour, it can really wear them down. This can have a serious effect on their quality of life, especially if it leads to them feeling threatened, isolated or scared in their own home or community. If this is the case, we would strongly advise they speak with their landlord, housing provider or local council about a good neighbour agreement.

Good neighbour agreements can be used as a requirement for new tenants, or as a symbolic act of commitment. Agreements are typically used to:

• Reinforce the landlord’s tenancy agreement.
• Reinforce the community’s own values.
• As part of an estate agreement (between the community and providers).
• To provide incentives for positive behaviour.

Good neighbour agreements are compatible with legal procedures, if legal action becomes necessary. They can be backed up with other measures ranging from informal visits and warnings to enforcement or legal procedures where necessary. Breaching such agreements could affect a tenancy agreement.

What can they do?

Our first advice is always for the individual to talk to their neighbour if possible and try to resolve the issue peacefully. If they have a difference of opinion, see if they can find a compromise that works for both of them, such as no loud music after 11pm.

Find out more about resolving neighbour disputes: Advice on resolving neighbour disputes.

What if talking hasn’t worked?

If they live in rented property or social housing, their landlord or housing association may be able to help them.

If the problem involves noise, such as a loud party or dogs barking, please advise they contact their local council as this isn’t a police matter.

For disagreements over boundary walls, fences, trees or hedges, please advise they contact Citizens Advice for free information and support.

In some cases, they may also want to contact a solicitor. You can also refer them to government guidance on the Party Wall etc Act 1996.

What can they do if they feel targeted or intimidated?

If the problems have escalated or they’ve been threatened, verbally abused, or personally targeted please advise they contact the police on 999 in an emergency or 101 in a non-emergency.

You can find other signposting information for victims here.