Other Helpful Websites & Resources
Our victim’s and practitioner’s hubs provide a wealth of information for tackling anti-social behaviour. Here are some extra resources and helpful links.
Relevant charities
Alice Ruggles Trust
The Alice Ruggles Trust aims to educate young people about stalking, upskill professionals and provide advice to victims of stalking and potential perpetrators.
Anti-Bullying Alliance
The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a group of organisations and individuals working together to stop bullying. They seek to create safe environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn. They provide advice and expertise in relation to all forms of bullying between children and young people.
Citizen’s Advice Bureau
The Citizens Advice Bureau aims to provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice. This can be in any area of your life. The CAB wants to help with the problems people face. It also wants to improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives.
Community Organisers (part of Locality)
National training programme in community organising and a grass-roots movement for social action. Community organising is about building relationships in communities to activate people to bring about change together.
The Cybersmile Foundation
A charity full of information to help people tackle all forms of digital abuse and bullying online.
National Domestic Violence Helpline
A national service run by Refuge for women experiencing domestic violence and their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf.
National Stalking Helpline
A helpline number to call and a website with advice, information and case studies of others suffering stalking.
Neighbourhood Watch
News from different local Neighbourhood Watches. You can input your postcode to find your Neighbourhood Watch, Home Watch and Citizen Patrol schemes. It also provides information on how to set up your own scheme.
Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service
Paladin provides a high level of advocacy to anyone at risk of serious harm or homicide from a stalker. In all situations they aim to improve access to the right kind of support for each person and improve co-ordinated working between specialist services to keep each survivor feeling safer.
Redeeming our Communities (ROC)
A charity seeking to help people work together to achieve safer, kinder communities, It seeks to do this through empowering communities and creating key, strategic partnerships with relevant agencies.
A listening ear and help to talk through your concerns, worries and troubles. Samaritans will focus on your thoughts and feelings rather than going into the details.
Solace Gloucestershire – Solace Gloucestershire
Solace is a multi-agency team of experienced and dedicated council, police and Police Community Support officers working collaboratively together to prevent, investigate and take formal action against perpetrators of anti-social behaviour (ASB).
Provides confidential emotional support on a number of issues by telephone, email and post. SupportLine focus on developing healthy, positive coping strategies, an inner feeling of strength and increased self-esteem to encourage healing, recovery and moving forward with life.
Victim Support
Victim Support is a national charity giving free and confidential help to victims of crime, witnesses, their family, friends and anyone else affected across England and Wales. They work through local offices. Most people are referred to them by the police following a crime but they can also be contacted directly through their helpline on 08 08 16 89 111.
Witness Confident’s Self Evident app
Witness Confident has developed an app for mobile phones called ‘Self Evident’ which allows you to report crime to the police, all from your phone. See their website for details of how to download this free app.
Official information
National Police Chiefs’ Council
A place where the UK’s Chief Police Officers can share ideas and best practice, co-ordinate resources and help deliver effective policing to keep the public safe.
Association of Police and Crime Commissioners
National support for all Police and Crime Commissioners including opportunities for them to share news and best practice.
Central Government – Crime, Justice and the Law
See this website for an overview of all aspects of crime, justice and the law.
Restorative Justice Council
National voice for the field of restorative practice.
Other informative websites
Community Group
Community Group is a website devoted to supporting communities. Their website is packed with ideas and information for how you can get more involved and help your own local community to grow.
Problem Neighbours
Comprehensive website covering different issues you may have with your neighbours. Full of articles covering such issues as boundary disputes, dangerous dogs, bonfires and much more. Some excellent advice as to how you can approach your neighbour in person to discuss a problem rather than immediately calling in the authorities.